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Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/17/2022 #82) 2. Shout out to Sahar Bigdeli._ Gaming nook & Shoe storage (Gamer Girl's BR/ Apartment A1 Bed1)
Sahar Bigdeli12/16/2022 This has to be my favorite of them all then. So sweet. Thank you ❤️
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/16/2022 You're welcome. I didn't want a silicone on the wall because I don't want the light shine on the gamer's face. But this almighty app doesn't turn the ceiling light on. so
Nanang Maulana12/16/2022 superb design 👍,🌟🌟🌟🌟
Sahar Bigdeli12/16/2022 the silicone is what adds the moody light to the wall. This is a beautiful part of it. It shows the entire gaming area. I love it Pyae ❤️💝
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/16/2022 Doel🙋Thank you Man. 🤜🤛
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/16/2022 Sahar IKR 😀 Funny is I tried to make it to look like the textures in a PC RAM stick lol
Sahar Bigdeli12/16/2022 It looks like it very much. The color is beautiful here. I wish it was possible to see the color from your editing version.
Sahar Bigdeli12/16/2022 And yes I did notice it. I noticed as well you put a ton of effort into the TV wall. This shot has a lot of work behind it. Peope wont notice unless they actually take the time to visit your room. It was hard to visit at first but i deleted an extra room of mine to be able to visit. I deconstructed the room and notice you used individual hexagonal pieces to make this masterpiece. Lot of Effort in this 👌🏻
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/16/2022 Thank you Sahar. it's Very thoughtful of you. I don't know why it's too hard to edit this. A friend of mine tried but didn't make it.
Sahar Bigdeli12/16/2022 There was no problem editing. It took a while to load and I couldnt edit because I had no rooms available (we have a max of 20 rooms in PRO) but Its easy to visit if you really want to visit youll find a way. I deleted an extra room and had no problems. 💝
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/16/2022 Alright. Glad to hear that 😀
sara moree12/17/2022 cada dia me impresionas mas amigo
sonya12/28/2022 Где вы нашли такие обои которые окло компьюторо я обыскала все обои для дизайна
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/28/2022 Hello Ana 🙋 Sorry for my reply late. The app didn't give me a notification. Thank you 💕
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/28/2022 Hi Svetlana. I am not sure which wall paper that you mentioned but the things behind monitor is constructions. You can find it in 'Build' > 'Constructions' > ' hexagons'. _ If you mean wall color, It's not from internet. I searched 'very dark blue' and download the image, and created the collage using the app called 'Photogrid' to look like panels. (You can edit this design and see them).
sonya12/28/2022 Спасибо😍