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What do you think of my new room?
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/25/2022 (7) Wide view (Apartment A1 Living)
Sahar Bigdeli12/25/2022 I walked up close to the painting and like I said, you somehow made it look like brick. It looks more like it was painted on as if this was a previous warehouse or industrial type office and they painted the cement bricks. It might just be the wall but that detail elevates the feeling. It looks like this space really was an old warehouse or building and now youve made it a cozy, loving home. ❤️
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/25/2022 Yes Sahar. I tried to look like the wall mural than hanging a picture. As a non-pro I can't add custom color on the panelling so I have to use construction and change color. Thank you for saying out loud. 🙏🧡
Sahar Bigdeli12/25/2022 It's a beautiful angle this one as well. especially the carpet looks very smooth.
Ирина Савченко12/26/2022 Пьяэ, твои работы можно узнавать, даже если они были бы опубликованы анонимно. У тебя есть свой стиль, почерк. Это очень необычный проект, он соединяет в себе и холодный металл, железо, темные цвета, трубы. И в то же время это отлично соседствует с тёплым текстилем дивана, светлой стеной и такими уютными элементами декора как часы, картина, цветы, вазы😊
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)1/1/2023 WoW Irina. That's very kind of you. Thank you for your attentive comment. ❣️