Room Planner
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Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/25/2022 (10) Hallway (Apartment A1 Living)
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/25/2022 Now I need to sleep Zzzz
Sahar Bigdeli12/25/2022 This almost looks like a fancy 5 star hotel I went to back in California. I know its meant to be industrial but the walls give off a luxurious sheen. You blended industrial with elegant and made it look nice. But what I care for the most is how realistic it looks. You had a Duct room, pipes that are placed properly (you know how to work them) and the electricty is exposed which is usual for industrial. There isn't a thing I would add to this room, it is complete. 🙌💝
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/25/2022 Thank you so much Sahar. It was a pain in the back but now worth it. I don't talk people in RL so creating and showing something is that the way I connect lately. ❣️ Yes The app didn't screwed it up when it was rendered although 5 photos were wasted. 5 giant drops of tears from my eyeballs lol
Sahar Bigdeli12/25/2022 Aww 😊💝 It's alright I showed you how even my designs get messed up and I am here like an idiot paying for PRO. Don't be upset Pyae they came out beautiful. Just walking alone in the room shows everything you couldn't publish.
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/25/2022 Thank you. I didn't use old floor plan in this one. This floor plan is a new one. I think it makes it easier and faster to draw. 🎨
Sahar Bigdeli12/25/2022 I think so too.
Peggy Romani12/25/2022 J'ai visité et je me suis retrouvé dans une pièce dans un style que j'aime tout particulièrement et en plus tu l'as réalisé à la perfection, tous les détails y sont, il ne manque rien et même plus encore 👍👌 J'ai adoré cette visite je te dis bravo c'est parfait Pyae 👏👏👏👏😍😍😍😍
Makayla Stone12/25/2022 Thats soo coooollll! Good job!!!
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/26/2022 Oh Peggy Thank you. for the visitation and appreciation. I really thought Peggy would like it when I made this because I saw your several industrial style rooms. Have a nice day. 🙏
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/26/2022 Makayla Thank you. Glad you think it's cool. All I wanted with it is coolness 😀💗
Peggy Romani12/26/2022 Oui Pyae c'est parfait et comme j'aime 😍😍
Pyae Zone (Jesse Griffin)12/26/2022 🙏🥂