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What do you think of my new room?
Timo Niels Lindner (Tim-O)1/8/2023 Working Area and Closet underneath Bed in 9QM-Room in Shared Apartment
Leonid1/8/2023 Hi Timo. Nice and tiny working place design! BTW, have you tried the new lighting setting for realistic photos? The whole photo may look even better with it
Timo Niels Lindner (Tim-O)1/8/2023 Yes, but it keeps crashing my ipad :‘( xD :|
Timo Niels Lindner (Tim-O)1/8/2023 Thanks ;)
Leonid1/8/2023 Oh no, that’s sad… 😕 Have you tried contacting support? If the problem is reproducible it is gonna be fixed quickly
Timo Niels Lindner (Tim-O)1/9/2023 Yes, i did. The ipad Air 3.Gen just seems to low for complex 3D. I‘ll try the Desktop-Version within the next Days now.
Leonid1/9/2023 Yea
Leonid1/9/2023 Timo, I will try to check if we can fix this in the next release